Substrate dry too far, and the dried leaves layer making even spray very difficult. Localized heavy and frequent spray create some very wet patches and moisture doesn’t have time to reach dry patches of sand. A way to slow down dry up is needed. Either a new tub, or something to plug most of the ventilation holes. Need to check up on the roaches for dehydration before a solution is found.
I found 5 of 6 larger ones came out and stay on unburied after work. Seems resting together, but if I offer water, they seem interested, not thirsty type, but will drink. Seems humidity alone may not be enough, remember they eaten all water crystal that I used back in the thicker substrate and that substrate was 3” deep and kept damped at all times, so more water crystal could be the answer.
Still 1 small piece of Apple leftover, I had removed it since it has been there for 2 days.
Threw them 3 small pieces of lettuces