2011年11月21日 星期一

18 alive, cleaned substrate

Thinned out the substrate to keep it under 1/2 inch, and took out old damped plant materials, and replenished top substrate with fresh sand.

A feeding routine has been established. Daily dried grass/hay, with some finely crushed Eucalyptus globulus, they finished them every day. Offered them commercial Tortoise food as treat once a week. Also a few pieces of crushed Liquidambar formosana, Eucalyptus torelliana or Eucalyptus robusta as treats once in awhile.

I noticed their appetite have increased dramatically, either most of them have done their molting into young adults or it is the weather, since temp has dropped to around 24C in last 30 days. Guess we will find out either summer next year, or when we have the first batch of babies after a few years, we’ll see.

